Audio: IFF Boston Audience Building Panel
Here is an audio recording of our full panel at Independent Film Festival Boston, Followers: How Filmmakers are Building Their Audiences Online in the 21st Century.
You can listen with the embedded player below or download the full mp3.
The other panelists were:
Scott Kirsner (moderator) is a journalist and all-around smart guy. He’s the author of two books, Inventing the Movies, which I frequently cite as a defining analysis of how the film industry falls behind on innovation, and Fans, Friends & Followers, an excellent collection of interviews with artists who build their own audiences and distribute their own work. He also writes the blog Cinematech.
Chris Holland Director of Festival Operations at B-Side and author of Film Festival Secrets.
Sean Flynn producer and cinematographer at Principle Pictures.
We discussed a range of topics, including:
Benefits and pitfalls of social networking (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.)
Strategies for reaching audiences before, during and after production
Crowdsourcing to build audiences as well as help production
How much of your content to post online for free
Ad revenue models
Distribution formats (DVD, download, streaming, theatrical, etc.)
Applying all the above to other media such as music and art
Independent Film Festival Boston: Audience Building Panel by brianchirls